As 15 Maiores Criptomoedas Do Mercado -

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Popular crypto exchanges(2023 Update) 2024-07-01

The funniest part of the Zkasino drama is that the chain they released has no zk tech in it at all (nor does it use EigenDA).It's an Arbitrum Nitro chain that took 2 minutes to deploy.They put ZERO effort into scamming everyone lmao.— cygaar (@0xCygaar) April 21, 2024 Dollar from 2020 is now worth 75 cents. Buy Bitcoin credit @balajis As 15 Maiores Criptomoedas Do MercadoO criptoativo WBTC refere-se à Wrapped Bitcoin. Trata-se de um ativo sintético, que tem paridade com o Bitcoin, mas pode transitar em redes blockchains como a Ethereum. Ou seja, um Bitcoin fora de sua rede nativa.